Enchanted Mommy

New Daisy Hair Bow Tutorial

As you know from my previous daisy and korker bow tutorial, I love making my girls bows!  People ask so often where I got them and they are completely surprised that I make them.  Here is a new one I tried and I loved it!

pinwheel bow with button

Isn’t the bow so adorable?!?!

The steps cannot be easier!  All you need is an alligator clip, 5/8″ ribbon of choice, button of choice, hot glue gun, and 3/8″ ribbon to cover clip!

Step 1: Cover your alligator clip.

start making a bow

hot glue ribbon all around it

Step 2: Cut your 5/8″ ribbon into 6 equal parts and glue them.

daisy bow

cut strips equally and make sure you cut them double the width you want the bow (they are basically folded in half)

Step 3:  Glue strips around into the shape of a flower and glue button in the middle.  Then, glue bow onto covered alligator clip.

Cute daisy bow in my daughter’s hair

Okay, I couldn’t leave my other sweet babe out!  Here is the most simple clip ever!  All you do is step 1 and glue buttons on it!

button bow

Here’s another clip that is so easy.  Just repeat step one and glue buttons on it!

Perfect clip for her outfit.  It cost around 10 cents!

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