What To Do When It Rains!
by Dana Patterson on Apr 24, 2012 0
I often thought that my two (almost 3) year old would enjoy playing in the rain. Boy did she ever! She had so much fun that she cried when she had to come in. You know… that thing called my little sibling just woke up from a nap screaming. She was soaked head to toe by the time we came in, but I repeat, she had so much fun.
I encourage everyone to let their kids play in the rain. It will definitely be a memory. It also makes that dreary day seem fun. My daughter couldn’t wait for her dad to come home and tell him how much fun she had!
Then, they have to come inside and take a bath. Make that a fun experience too!
About Dana Patterson
I'm an energetic SAHM of two fun little girls! It's never a dull moment with kids 21 months apart. I love life and enjoy cooking, working out and just hanging with my family.