Valentine’s Day Crafts
by Dana Patterson on Feb 11, 2014 1
Since we’ve had so much snow and below freezing weather, we’ve been going nuts stir crazy and gotten ourselves into a lot of crafts. I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day. So, my 4 year old loves crafts and my 2 year old loves animals so I decided to do a mix of the two. I found lots of heart crafts that are animals. I don’t really think I need to do any tutorials because they are all pretty self explanatory.
We’ve also done a few other crafts:
Lastly, I put this on Facebook yesterday. It seemed to be a big hit!
Happy Happy Valentine’s Day!
About Dana Patterson
I'm an energetic SAHM of two fun little girls! It's never a dull moment with kids 21 months apart. I love life and enjoy cooking, working out and just hanging with my family.
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