We did a lot of fun stuff this week for preschool. The thing I like about this preschool swap arrangement is that I only teach every four weeks. It works out great because you don’t get burnt out and you have plenty of time to come up with creative things to do when it is your turn.
So its letter R for me! Here are some of our letter R activities for Preschool.
Letter R Activities for Preschool
R is for Rainbow! There are so many fun rainbow crafts to do! I really had to pick a couple of them so I would have time to do everything else. The rainbow cupcakes were the kids favorite of course! They were pretty simple too!
All you need to do is use white or yellow cake mix and prepare it as the directions say. Divide the cake batter equally between 4 or 5 bowls and add food coloring to each bowl. Put a small scoop of each color in the cupcake papers and bake as directed!
This is a great cross curricular activity since it includes language arts for the letter R, life skills in baking, and science for food coloring. The kids really enjoyed helping mix the colors together and scooping them into the cupcake tin.
We also made some rainbows out of fruit loops! How cute are these! Click here to download your own rainbow/fruit loop template. I wouldn’t leave your final project out on the counter unsupervised if you have a dog… I made that mistake!!!
We also read “The Little Red Hen” and “Little Red Riding Hood” during circle time. I had the kids raise their hands every time they heard me say the word RED. Then we made collages out of everything RED we could find!
About Jamie Hinckley
I am a mom of three crazy boys! We love life, play hard, and ALWAYS get messy! Life is busy and full of fun, jumping, crashing, skinned knees, rough housing, torn jeans, scratches, but most of all LOVE. Yes, life is crazy. Actually its completely nuts, but I wouldn't change a thing! We love life and can't wait for our next adventure... and one day, possibly a little girl! Haha!