Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Cake
by Dana Patterson on Jul 16, 2014 0
I always try making my kids some kind of cake. I usually google some things and they pick it out. Sometimes I steer them into “something that looks cooler and maybe a lot easier” type cake. My daughter picked this out and surprisingly it was SOOOOOOO easy and so adorable!
I found the image through Pinterest, but it wasn’t linked to anything, therefore I am not able to give credit for this cute cake idea.
What ya need is:
Cake box of your choice and ingredients listed.
Muffin pans.
Cupcake liners.
30ish jelly bellys.
One container chocolate icing.
One container pink icing (or white icing dyed pink)
Stem (green candy)
Tiny bit of icing dyed red
Here are my step by steps:
1. Bake your cupcakes according to package and arrange 20 of them like this:
2. I started icing with just regular old chocolate icing. I did use a circular tip just because I wanted the outside of the cupcake to be even with icing. Some people may be good enough to do it with a knife. Then, I just used a butter knife to smooth it out.
3. Using the same circular tip, do the lines on the bottom of the cone!
4. Then you icing the pink the same way and put some jelly belly’s on it!
5. Lastly, you do the top (the cherry) red. And bam, you’re done.
I think this cake cost about $6 to make! I think it is so adorable!
Oh yeah, the ice cream theme is awesome too. Amazon has two cute things that you can use as favors! They have ice cream dishes and the fun cone popper thingy! Happy Party Planning!
About Dana Patterson
I'm an energetic SAHM of two fun little girls! It's never a dull moment with kids 21 months apart. I love life and enjoy cooking, working out and just hanging with my family.