Parents have certainly been put through the wringer in terms of child healthcare this year. Family contact with the coronavirus, access to nutritious meals out of school, and social development during social distancing are just a few of the complex concerns that parents have had to navigate over the past year. However, now that it’s been over a year since the beginning of the pandemic, and society is starting to return to pre-COVID-19 conditions, it may be time for an important check-up for children and their parents alike.
A new report shows that over the past year, there has been an over 17% decrease in medical visits by Americans, primarily due to concerns of entering medical care facilities where contact with a COVID-postitive individual may occur. Furthermore, statistics show that nearly 70% of individuals have put off some form of medical care over the course of 2020 as fear of COVID-19 exposure grew in our country.
However, as more and more individuals are vaccinated, it’s a good time to consider your child’s next check-up at the doctor. As stated in this Children’s Health Care Blog, regular check-ups aren’t just important in preventing unwanted medical issues. A regular check-up can help you and your child feel more comfortable addressing issues with medical professionals and can help ensure that your child is on the right track in terms of health and development.
While many pediatric offices are scheduling in-person doctor’s appointments, there are also many options for pediatric telehealth to make sure that your child is at least having some sort of yearly checkup with their doctor.
So quick, open up that calendar app and schedule your child’s yearly checkup to make sure they are happy, healthy and ready to grow!
About Lizzie Stewart
Mom. Wife. Espresso Lover. Braves Fanatic.
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