We had so much fun at Color Me Mine. I had always thought it looked fun, but am cheap frugal. While we were out visiting grandparents they wanted to take the boys to make their own cups to have at their house.
What fun we had! The boys loved it! It was even fun for my two year old. Was it Pricey? A bit. We paid $12 for each cup. They also have a sitting fee, but luckily we went when they were having a buy one get one free special.
So basically you show up, no appointment necessary and pick an item to paint. They have all kinds of stuff from cups and mugs to cute little animals and cars. Then you get a paint tray and put the colors you want on them (there are hundreds to choose from).
You finish painting and just leave it right on the table. No clean up necessary (my favorite part!). It takes about a week for them to put in their ovens and finish it up, but they really turned out great. Very good quality.
I really want to go back and paint a cute lizard to put on my back patio. So fun!
Anyway, if you have been thinking of doing this you should give it a try. We had a great time. I would definitely call ahead and try to go when they are having specials.
About Jamie Hinckley
I am a mom of three crazy boys! We love life, play hard, and ALWAYS get messy! Life is busy and full of fun, jumping, crashing, skinned knees, rough housing, torn jeans, scratches, but most of all LOVE. Yes, life is crazy. Actually its completely nuts, but I wouldn't change a thing! We love life and can't wait for our next adventure... and one day, possibly a little girl! Haha!