A Great Way To Take Someone Dinner
by Dana Patterson on May 31, 2013 1
I just had my third kid. Third girl in less than four years. Third csection too. Enough said right?!
I honestly think people feel sorry for me. We were doing our newborn shoot last weekend and this lady asked me “are all three yours?” I said “yes” and her response was “Looooord, you’ve got your hands full.” Not only this, but people have been over the top kind and generous to us and I’m sure they’re thinking they need to help me out (ha, maybe they do). One way is that we’ve had SO MANY dinners brought to us. NOTHING is better than a home cooked meal that you haven’t had to cook. They have all been so delicious and have made my heart melt that we know so many kind people.
My next door neighbor told us a few days before it that she wanted to bring us dinner. All she said was that it was going to be BBQ. Hot dang. We love BBQ. So, she brought over a basket of food. It was covered with a hand towel. We opened it and WAHHHHHLAHHHH. Look at this beauty. She put everything in Mason jars.
I bet you wanna know what’s all in here right. There is BBQ with two kinds of sauces, chips, buns, baked beans, cole slaw, mac n cheese, potato salad, and the best bangin’ dessert – chocolate lovers delight.
Here are a couple more pics.
Look at how great this looks!
Thank you sweet Marin for making me a Mama again (and not just for all the tasty food)!
About Dana Patterson
I'm an energetic SAHM of two fun little girls! It's never a dull moment with kids 21 months apart. I love life and enjoy cooking, working out and just hanging with my family.
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