One of the many challenges of being a stay at home mom is balancing the home finances. Each month we sit down as a couple to review the expenses and our income and determine what we need to do to make sure the house runs smoothly for the next 30 days. This can be an adventure in itself.
The summer always seems to be the most challenging months. Weekly summer camps for our children quickly add up and before you know it we’re in a situation where we’re looking for additional sources of income. Luckily, there are always additional ways to make more money.
Part Time Work
I’ve been known to grab some part time work in the spring and early summer to help cover the costs of summer. Tutoring, being a waiter, and helping the local businesses balance their books have all been tasks that I’ve completed to make some extra income. Craigslist is often a great source for finding part time work opportunities near you.
Sell Your Stuff
Let’s face it, as Americans we have way to much stuff. I’m sure there is close to $1,000 dollars of goods in your home that aren’t being used and that you could sell for the summer. Put them up on ebay, have a garage sale, or just sell them to family members that would use them. This can quickly help you come up with the money needed for the summer.
Learn to Trade
This last item requires a bit more planning than the other two, but a great way to increase your income as a stay at home parent is to learn to trade stocks. With the internet allowing you to manage your own funds you can quickly make transactions and earn additional money throughout the year. If you’re looking for training or information about how to trade stocks, Online Trading Academy, looks like an organization with a solid history and positive reviews. In fact, favorable Online Trading Academy Reviews has helped the organization grow quickly and offer it’s services to people all around the world.
What ever way you do it, making a bit of extra income is something that will require planning and hard work but the benefits will be a health balance in your bank account through the expensive times of the year.