Enchanted Mommy

Age 3: Take Your Child To The Dentist

At Ella’s 3 year check-up, the doctor said it was time for the dentist!  I had no idea what to expect.  We immediately let her watch some positive YouTube videos of the dentist.  But, I think the best thing that we did was allow her to go to the dentist with me for a check-up.  Trust me, I know all kids aren’t the same, but this helped her.  She sat in the chair the whole time and was intrigued with every tool.  We’ve also always said positive things about the dentist.  Here she is, all ready!

girl at dentist

She's SO ready to get her teeth cleaned!

I have some tips!

1.  Choose a family friendly dentist!  The hygienist at our dentist office has a 2 1/2 year old girl and knew exactly how to talk to her.  Ours was not a pediatric dentist, but they are very kind hearted, so I knew they would be great with her.

She looks so big!

2.  Prepare, prepare, prepare!  Talk about how much you love the dentist and how great your teeth feel.  You gotta coach them into it!

3.  Take them with you! When she went with me, the hygienist explained everything to her.


They cleaned and counted her teeth.  They even let her choose chocolate toothpaste!  Look at my sweet babe all grown up!

My little princess!

Make sure you take your child to the dentist, I would say definitely by 4.  If you haven’t, now is a good time.  I can definitely recommend a good one in NoVa!

Not only did she have her first trip to the dentist, but she also had her first day of preschool.

1st day of school

Ella's 1st day of school!

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